Our firm started in 1989 out of John Pellegrin’s law library with Brian Smith, one legal assistant and four cardboard boxes of office supplies. We’ve grown to multiple offices and a large staff of the most qualified legal assistants in the industry. Attorney Brian Smith: “I started my career litigating, defending and suing people, and it was just too negative. Every day, clients were arguing about stuff that happened five years ago and weren’t satisfied even if they won because it was too expensive and took five years to resolve. Real estate law is a win-win situation. It is very gratifying to be able to help people in a constructive process. Buyers buy something they want, sellers sell something they want to sell, and the timeline is about one to three months. The folks we serve are at least somewhat happy or ecstatic!”
Located in Sumner County, this firm began in 1989 when Brian Smith started as Brian L. Smith, Esq. and Associates. Todd Sholar joined as an associate in 1997 and became a partner in 1999 when Smith.Sholar.Associates.PLLC (SSM) was formed. Trudy Milliken became a partner in 2010. Our attorneys have been practicing real estate and related law for decades. Brian has been practicing for 37 years, Todd for 23 years, Trudy for 12 years, and the newest associate attorney, Preston Matthews, for two years. We have two primary closing locations. Our Gallatin office is located on Nashville Pike in a restored farm house. Come by for some coffee and swing on the front porch! Our second office is conveniently located in Goodlettsville. A third satellite closing office is available in Metro Center just off of Rosa Parks Boulevard in Nashville. We also say we do ‘deals on wheels’ – meaning out of the office closings are no problem for SSM.
The firm focuses on residential and commercial real estate transactions. Our attorneys represent Realtor Associations across the state and teach continuing education courses for REALTORS. The firm’s attorneys practice law and are not just a title agency – we offer more. The term “title attorneys” limits the conception of the services performed. Title searches, title reviews and title policies are just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps the most important distinction is that clients come to SSM for advice on structuring transactions, and guidance on the wisdom of even pursuing the project; and if so, advice on risk mitigation. SSM drafts essential real estate documents – contracts, easements, restrictions, rights of first refusal, leases, option contracts, promissory notes, assignments, Deeds of Trust and other collateral documents. As title agents for First American Title and Stewart Title, SSM searches and examines the property records for every transaction and issues title insurance for lenders and buyers. We also ensure that our clients’ funds are protected at all times, as well as taking all available steps to protect clients’ non-public information.
Smith.Sholar.Milliken touches on the most significant investment that most people make in a lifetime and they take this very seriously. As one of the most trusted law firms in Sumner County we close for national, regional and community banks. SSM is very proud to be one of the first firms in Tennessee to be “Best Practices Certified” by the American Land Title Association. It is our role is to ensure their clients’ interests are protected at all times and that they have an easy, safe and smooth closing experience. The real estate community comes to our firm for advice on their professional practices, guidance on Real Estate Commission regulations, agency law issues, fair housing, due diligence, malpractice avoidance, and many other concerns, as well. Todd Sholar serves on the Tennessee Realtors® contract and forms committee and not only knows the forms inside out but also why the forms were created.
The folks here at SSM are active in the communities they live and work in because it is the right thing to do. We have represented Habitat for Humanity of Sumner County for over 20 years as a pro bono client. The firm also gives back to the real estate community by offering free education through Realtor Associations, as well as conducting training in Realtor offices on legal issues faced by Realtors. Members of the firm give to many charitable organizations, including but not limited to, Gallatin Cares, St. Jude, Historic Rosemont, Historic Cragfont, and the Wounded Warriors Project.